ID ADV – Team Building Paintball

ID ADV – Team Building Paintball

#idadventure #paintballwargame #teambuilding
#idadventure #paintballwargame

The role of team work in an institutions is identified as being crucial. Good organizational performance can be attributed to the quality and nature of the team and the interaction among team members. It is therefore imperative that institutions are seen to function and perform their duties as effective and efficient as possible as a team.

Team cohesion, synergy and a shared vision are a requirement for any institution to succeed. As a result the need to instill such is important. Team building activities have been identified as one sure way of enhancing effectiveness of a group/team whether a board, senior management or staff in an organization since institutions require teams whenever producing the desired outcome depends on integrating diverse skills, interests and efforts.

An effective team process releases, and then multiplies, the effectiveness of each member. The resulting synergy makes it possible to develop and implement better solutions, more acceptable solutions, and more successful solutions. People then become more than isolated individuals in the work environment. Several individuals working cooperatively together have greater potential to create success. Therefore, world – class organizations should make concerted efforts to develop high performing teams which gear towards organization’s success in all its business fronts.

ID Adventure intend to impart, through experiential learning, current skills, attitudes, and knowledge in team dynamics to the participating employees. Most of the critical ingredients in a team-building program, such as Strategic Thinking, Interpersonal Skills, Leadership, Team Synergy, Team Cultures and Thriving in Change shall be explored.


The best way to enhance team building is to do it and experience its value through a set of activities. Such activities will help to:
– Inculcate a sense of Strategic Thinking in the delegates
– Challenge the existing mental models especially those that may be counter to producing desired results
– Build team cohesion by breaking barriers in interpersonal relationships
– Improve interpersonal communication and enhance negotiation skills
– Enhance self discipline & appreciation of the role of leadership by building mutual trust and confidence
– Point out the need for effective utilization of resources by building synergy.
– Facilitate team energy towards the attainment of the corporate objectives.

By the end of this workshop the following outcomes are expected:
– Participants will embrace teamwork and will develop a more cohesive team
– All the participants will have understood what brings and drives team spirit and what breaks team spirit and how to avoid it
– They will have examined the characteristics of effective teams and clarify the key points that make for effective team players.
– Team members to develop trust in each other, communicate openly and support one another.
– Participants to develop an understanding of the role of people, processes and systems in teamwork, and their contribution to the Organization’s Vision
– Come up with an action plan based on the lessons learnt

The exercise will be for 1 day.


The approach to be adopted will be participant centered learning. Based on participatory techniques, the facilitators shall integrate lectures, discussions and experiential learning techniques. All exercises, both mental and physical, shall be followed by a debriefing of lessons learnt reflecting on the objectives of the team building exercise. Experiential approach ensures transfer-ability of lessons into practice and in the work place. The experiential learning will be demystified through conduct of both indoor and outdoor activities. Participants will also develop a comprehensive action plan after the team building for the purpose of transitioning new insights into the board relationships and organizational management and leadership.


The training contents shall include:
– Team building principles,
– Critical success factor for effectively performing teams,
– Having a shared vision and team direction of purpose,
– Roles and responsibility of team members,
– Developing and enhancing team synergy,
– Team cohesion including conflict management and resolution
– Negotiating within the team.

The above brief contents will be delivered using various experiential activities. The section below highlights the various sessions and activities including the objectives of such activities in line with the terms of reference of ensuring fun with learning.
The team is composed of experts in diverse fields. They are therefore able to meet and exceed the needs and expectations of the assignment. The facilitators through training and practice are accomplished trainers and Team builders. The team is made of experts in team building, management, leadership and strategy as well as in outdoor team building experiential activities and debrief techniques.

Investment Price only IDR 750,000,-
For minimum 30 pax participants

– Team Building activities
– Paintball war games
– Safety equipment
– Lunch 1x
– Snack 2x
– Tour Bus 30 seat
– Insurance coverage
– Sticker name tag
– Dispossable raincoat if raining
– Sound system equipments

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