Corporate Family Gathering
Reason and tradition of Corporate Family Gathering
A lot of things can transform our corporation from good to great. One of them is by returning your employee service by having a large Corporate Family Gathering program regularly. Having family gathering probably one of the easiest social activities. In Indonesia it is a tradition for the family gathered together in one place, is a special day like Ramadan or Christmas. But not only in a families even in an institutions or businesses communities nee to conduct a corporate family gathering. It works to speed-ups and strengthens the relationship like ‘Google spider’. Every day in an organization or company, it is done like a gun that needs to be be reloaded again, a family gathering brings freshness and more positive atmosphere to the employee.
How long should a Corporate Family Gathering be done
Togetherness with good quality in a family, will not be affected by the quantity of time. Only 1 hour of time can be very beneficial if the whole family is really involved in it compared 12 hours for silence and non interaction moments. In fact, in a large family togetherness will provide additional positive energy to its members. Joking in a family is very important because there is excitement in the joke. Excitement that will make us see a in a better view of the various problems in the family that exist and enlighten us for solution.
Who should attend Corporate Family Gathering
Family Gathering is an activity that can be done with all members of the whole family, whether it is a profit or non profit organizations. In this activity families can be more focused on the development of cohesiveness and unity among individuals who become members, know members of the families from other employees. This program will also provide activity that create more visible interaction between individuals. For the company, the interaction through activities available, the positive achievements of member (young-adult, wife, husband, children) could be a way to give reward of appreciation for employees and non employees.
Corporate Family Gathering is a need
Family Gathering is required by companies and organization worldwide to build family and unity spirit, and increase bonding and bring up motivation to each member in the company. It is inline with the spirit of “great company great people” and “great people great company”. No person in the company or any organization is an island, support from the family is the core of positive energy in the company. That is why family gathering is a must. IDADVENTURE concept or theme of a family gathering event itself flexible and tailored to the tastes of the client, the client’s needs, types of companies as well as the philosophy and wisdom within the company. These are some for the goals of Corporate Family Gathering and what suppose to be exist in a Corporate Family Gathering:
- To familiarizing and getting to know each other more closely the families within a company.
- Recreational facilities and direct interaction between family members and the form of moral support to the company’s employees.
Increased sense of belonging to the company
As a means of refreshing, company with high pressure, fast production processes and endlessly make employees are in a strong pressure. Family gathering to provide an opportunity for employees to be refreshing so that productivity and effectiveness could be maximized.
Forming solid team work, team building is a moment by moment decision so need to be reminded all the time, or sometime reshuffle in office staff happened so team building is a must.
Strengthen the relationship between employees, disharmony in the office of relationships, conflicts, but the alley between employees. So that this condition does not worsen the efficiency and effectiveness of work, the company needs to break these circles so intertwined that a more open relationship between the new employee.
Fix the conflict and friction, conflict and friction. Competition is high, income inequality, and the relationship heats up. With the Family Gathering quality, hot atmosphere which can make employee performance and productivity decline can be overcome.
Appreciate young generation of the employee children for their achievement at school and in the society. Acknowledgement has a very high impact for the positive character development of the kids and make everybody knows each other better.
Corporate Family Gathering need an organizer or outsource
Family Gathering activities can be managed internally. But managing a qualified Family Gathering will interfere with everyday activities work and take much of your time. By entrusting to ID Adventure in carrying out the Family program Gathering, you’ll find it easier to control activities without having to lose time to do the daily work responsibilities. We are ready to be your partner.
Corporate Family Gathering concept & ideas
Amazing Race and Corporate Family Gathering
Stage 1 Amazing Race. Start from the office and move in families groups through amusement park, historical sites, or other place of interest, finishing all the challenge option along the way and final go to last meeting point where everybody join the fun for celebration and lunch. Stage 2 Stage Entertainments and fun rolling while waiting for all participants arrived. After everybody arrived door prize and more entertainment on the stage. Then a blasting motivating closing speech by the company owner followed by fire cracker as the symbol of prayer for glory everybody wants to achieve.
Outbound and Carnival Games in a Corporate Family Gathering
Using bus everybody dispatch from the office to a secure and already set up location. Along the way, safe games on the bus with lots of prizes for everybody. Upon arrival everybody entering stage 1: “Circus and free entertainment”; clown juggling everywhere, street magic entertains and all kinds of carnival games are waiting. After an hour or two comes the stage 2, “Family Games and Stage entertainments”. In the middle on stage master of ceremony call everybody to seat on provided audience seat under the tent in front of the stage. Opening ceremony, family gathering itinerary announced and followed by stage entertainment until lunch. During lunch every body join door prize sessions. Speech by the company representative Stage 3 is “free time with the family” around the games area collecting most gift winning the games, join the quiz and finish puzzle.
Corporate Family Gathering and a Family Reconciliation Retreat
Using bus everybody dispatch from the office to a secure and already set up location. Along the way, safe and fun games on the bus with lots of prizes for everybody. Upon arrival everybody entering the meeting room and join the opening session. Everything designed for a family retreat, there’s still fun and . It is a time for reflection on their relation mother-father, husband-wife, children-parents, brother-sister, and finally how a family relation to the company. So there will be time for separate session by age and time for everybody to reflect. The peak or the climax of the program is the reconciliation, the time for everybody to create breakthrough to make a brand new start in relation. It is a time for an employee company leaders to create a new bond with their staff and like wise the other way around. Etc.
Different number of days of duration, new venue, new theme, new design program, variety of ideas puts together can create amazing moments and a life changing family gathering program for everybody. But don’t forget sometime the best program is the one that come from the need of your fellow employee. So a survey, or an evaluation base on last program is essential. So, we have been more than ten years in the business we can came up with lots of ideas and hundreds of places for your corporate family gathering. Call us for more discussion and let’s make it happen.
ID ADV – Family Gathering Proposal
Spend one or two days a year for holiday special re-creation and re-collection together with your entire extended family (office, church, or family). The goal is to know one another in the container united family.
We prepare games and simulations for the age group of children, adolescents and adults as well as families nuanced experiential learning to build strong bonds of brotherhood.
In the framework of respect for the dedication and performance of the entire staff and employees of Family Gathering become a means to maintain and improve the motivation to work with the best service.
The motivation to work and the best service is strongly supported by the creation of good interpersonal relationships, brotherhood and a sense of togetherness in an exciting atmosphere.
Family Gathering is an activity designed to address the needs of recognition and know each other better among individuals who were directly involved in the service process following each individual and family that becomes the inner circle of supporters. Family Gathering Program become a new spirit revival and the initial step for the best service you to your client.
Sasaran Program:
- Refreshment and relaxation all employees of all the departments and families.
- Developing familiarity and fraternity in a pleasant atmosphere.
- Increase cooperation and inter-personal relationships in a recreational activity.
- Raising the awareness that the performance of the company is built on family support
- Giving the award to the children of employees who are excelent / having anniversary
- Giving awards to the families of achievement
- Increase loyalty reward performance with the best employee / service award
Who Should Attend :
Yang harus hadir adalah seluruh karyawan dan keluarga kecil
Method of Delivery :
Fun Entertaining and experiential learning based activities
Family Gathering games option:
- Series of adult games. (Game & simulasi team building, high rope, paintball, etc)
- Series of teenage and toddler games.
- Fun competition, Learning Magic and circus
- Games series for toddler, preparing:
- Creativity: Picture Coloring, Words Puzzle, Creative Fishing, Dynamic Basket
- Science: Floating Water, Roket Air, Anti gravity, Buzzer, Trompet
- Art : Puppet making, membatik, kite coloring, mask coloring, face painting
- Family series games:
- ‘Amazing Race’ Family,
- Threasure Hunt,
- Angklung Harmony,
- Olympiade, and
- Carnival Games.
Outline acara:
Day 1
07:00 | Dispatch from the office |
09:00 | Arrival, welcome drink |
09:30 | Opening & Grouping |
10:00 | Snack Time |
10:30 | Group Activities |
11:00 | Games based on age |
12:00 | Lunch |
13:00 | Family Games |
15:00 | Family competition |
16:30 | Snack time |
17:00 | Relax time for family |
19:00 | Dinner |
20:00 | Entertainment – Games – Reflection |
21:00 | Bonfire, Fire Cracker, Fly the Lampion per family |
22:00 | Bed time |
Day 2
06:00 | Wake up – Warm up games |
06:30 | Family trekking |
07:00 | Breakfast |
08:00 | Team Building Games |
10:00 | Snack Time |
10:30 | Final Challenges |
11:00 | Check Out Preparation |
12:00 | Closing & Lunch |
13:00 | Wrap up & Return home |
Venue & investment Price:
- Bogor – R. Jambu Luwuk IDR 985,000,-
- Bandung – Natural Hill – IDR 1,250,000,-
- Bali – The Sila’s Bedugul – IDR 3,750,000,-
- Jogjakarta – Cangkringan – IDR 2,750,000,-
- Lombok – Gili Trawangan – Resort Jambu Luwuk – IDR 2,850,000,-
This program valid for minimum 100 pax participants.
Facilities includes :
- pickup and delivery from and to the airport
- bus transportation to location
- Resort Accommodation
- Program Design
- Games & simulation
- Facilitator
- Logistic & Support
- Games equipment & instalasi
- Insurance
- Best team price
- MC
- Game
- Entertainments
Facilities not included :
- Flight ticket & airport tax
- Government tax
- Prizes
- Personal expenses
- Extra room
Contact us for detailed info :
Patrick WA/Hp 081288220888
Anas WA/Hp 081212551888
Adri WA/Hp 081327691888
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